Friday, November 6, 2015

Ch 8 reading reflection

  1. Discussion on the teacher’s role in keeping the project moving.
    1. Teachers must support their students on their learning journey. The ending may not always end up as expected so its part of the teachers role to keep the project on task. It is our job to keep the project on task. We have to see where the project may be struggling and be able to tend to those needs. It is also our responsibility to stay open to possibilities. 
  2. Discussion on levels of classroom discussions.
    1. Teacher to teacher- helps create projects and sharing lessons to best teach our students. We can collaborate with other teachers to help with confusion or other teachers opinions. 
    2. Student-student-talking in their teams teaches them good communication skills. By communication it helps the students stay on track and organized. It is important to allow student-student discussion to enable them to be able to work together in the future as well. 
    3. teacher-student: limit lecturing to entire classroom and instead try to talk to the students in a smaller group setting. Sometimes it is more beneficial to talk to students in small group or class discussions to allow a different kind of communication/learning. 
  3. Discussion on the type of questions needed in project-based learning.
    1. high order questions: asks students to analyze, compare, evaluate, and elaborate. such as, what did you try next, why do you think that happened. Sometimes it is best to ask more questions when a students is struggling. 
    2. Questions for inquiry: these questions allow for students to make themselves into experts such as a scientist, politicians, historians, and others. If this is a new learning experience for the children helping the students develop a list of questions could be helpful.
  4. Discussion on Expeditionary Learning (EL) and how it relates to project-based learning.
    1. EL allows students to take learning in a more rigorous, high-order and active manner. 
  5. Discussion on what needs to be considered in order to maximize the potential of technology during a project.
    1. Does the technology help the students or does is stray from the goal. Is the technology being used a helpful tool? Does is allow students to organize and collaborate with others. Is technology able to help the students communicate with others? Are they taking advantage of all the ways of reaching out to others. 
  6. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
    1. This chapter relates to my topic in many different ways. There are ways that i have learned in this chapter that i could integrate in my project. I really liked the  different types of communication. Learning should come from all kinds of communication not limited to just class lectures. Student-student communication is necessary for the project to be successful. my students will need their peers to be able to commucation skillfully to get to their goal aligned with communication with me(teacher). 


  1. Kelsey,
    I really appreciate how you broke each question down and thoroughly discussed each aspect. Especially the different levels of discussion that can occur in a classroom, that can be helpful to a new teacher. Having open-ended questions will help determine if the technology is helping the students achieve their goals. I also like how you brought the article full circle when discussing the multiple ways it can help you in your project.

  2. Great job on breaking down the questions in this reading reflection. I really like the points you bring up about the teachers role because we are one day going to be in that very position. You also bring up good points about if technology is purposeful or distracting and the difference between the both.
