Friday, November 13, 2015

Ch 9 reflection

  1. Discussion on ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.
    1. The internet has an unlimited amount of opportunities for branching out beyond the classroom. Social media allows students to branch out to connect with other students. Blog discussions allow students to communicate on each others pages about an array of topics. Skype allows students to communicate to other students without being with those other students. These connections allow students to communicate their thoughts across the entire world.
  2. Description of the EAST Initiative Model.
    1. They found benefits of using technology to solve problems and use it as a tool. They have made their tools able to help in labs and studios. They have helped create maps and geographical findings. 200 schools have adapted to use EAST labs in their schools. 
  3. Discussion on some reasons to let students “lead” their projects.
    1. The students are able to find out what they are passionate about. Teachers don't have to micromanage each project. The students are allowed to take on their own learning. 
  4. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
    1. These concepts find their way into my project since they will use technology/webpage to build connections and to further learn their project. They could use the data in the graphs they have made and post them to a blog so that their peers can see their work.


  1. Kelsey I really appreciate the way you set up your post for this reading reflection. You have a lot of great ideas included in your response. I benefited most from your description of the EAST Initiative Model when you stated "They found benefits of using technology to solve problems and use it as a tool. They have made their tools able to help in labs and studios. They have helped create maps and geographical findings." I agree with the number of schools that have adapted this into their curriculum.

  2. Kelsey,
    I like how in the first question you mind of discussed the different ways one can use technology to build connections. I also agree with the idea that by allowing students to lead their own projects it will make them more passionate about it.
