Friday, November 20, 2015

Reading Reflection 10

  • Discussion on the importance of setting aside time for reflection.
    • Reflection helps students feel good about their accomplishments and will allow their learning to really stick. It gives them time to think about what they learned. If they liked what they learned and what they still want to learn. They can reflect and see how collaboration with their peers has helped their projects. This encourages students because they can look back and see what obstacles they have overcame

  • Discussion on the reason students need to reflect and elaborate.
    • Students can feel a sense of pride when their hard work pays off, that is why reflection and elaboration is so important. Students find out what they are good at and how they have grown. They appreciate the journey of learning because they see the strides they have made through their projects. Elaboration helps the students want more from their words. It allows them to think what do I want to become of this project, what can i do next?
  • Discussion on how schools build tradition and identity.
    • Tradition and identity is tied together. It could be based on your schools tradition of earning metals or sucsess. Or it could be even smaller scale of the classroom. If your third grade classroom has a project every year dealing with live butterflies teaching their life cycle younger children may anxiously await being a student in your classroom. Community involvement plays a important role in the celebration of learning. The community has the ability to form relationships with the students making a fun learning environment. 
  • Discussion on the importance celebrating a project.
    • There are many reasons why celebrating a project is important. It allows students to have the opportunity to look back at their project, appreciate helpers, the resources you have used to make this project. This allows time for learners to talk about their process of their work and their growth. This also gives students opportunity to show off their works in the schools to feel a sense of pride of their hard work. 
  • Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
    • I could see how the school identity could be created from my project through traditions. I think that any hands on group project is memorable. I think that students will go home and talk with younger siblings about the plant project that they got to do in Ms. Brown's class and be excited about this tradition. 


  1. I like that you mentioned how reflection allows students to see how working with their peers helped them in the project, and to see the obstacles that they overcame. Reflection is also a great way for students to evaluate what they were good at in their project, and maybe what they could work on in the next one. Great post!

  2. Kelsey,
    I like the set-up on your reflection it hopes narrow the focus of each question. I also like how you mentioned that having students reflect allows them to think about their work and be proud of it. As for tradition I like how you took it down to the classroom level because instilling traditions in the classroom is just as important as whole school traditions.

  3. Great job on your reading reflection! I really like how you related it back to the traditions you want to establish with your project in PBL. You bring up great reasons as to why you should celebrate projects that students spend such hard work on.
